• Puppy Kindergarten (for dogs under 5 months old at the start of class): Proper manners are important on so many levels. Well-behaved dogs quickly become cherished members of the family. They are good citizens of the community. Most importantly, the training process helps you to create an emotional bond with your dog through building mutual respect. Be sure to Start Out Right!
  • Basic Obedience (for dogs over 5 months old at the start of class): Even an "older" dog can learn new tricks. Help your best friend be the best canine around by learning new skills and unlearning some of those old habits.
  • Intermediate Dog & Handler (for dogs that have completed either Puppy Kindergarten or Basic Obedience): Refine your dog's skills and learn some new, challenging ones.  Work with distractions.  Work with distance.  Take it to the next level.
  • Advanced Canine (for dogs that have completed Intermediate Dog & Handler): The final step in a well-rounded curriculum. Imagine the excitement and pride you’ll experience from having a dog that can behave reliably off leash.